The Astrology of Innovation

Moses Ma
8 min readMay 8, 2020


As a scientist, I don’t “believe” in astrology, but at the same time, as a practicing Taoist—I try to keep an open mind about such things. My first run in with astrology was when I was in college. I was studying physics at this science institute called Caltech in Pasadena, which was sort of like seal team training for scientists. I went home for a long weekend, hungry for home cooking, and my father asked me what I was planning to do with my summer. I was selected to spend the summer at Palomar Observatory, running an experiment for a famous astrophysicist. So I looked up the Chinese word for astrophysics, which didn’t exist in the English-Chinese dictionary I had… hey, it was in the pre-Google age. I picked the closest word and combined it with the Chinese word for physics, and told my Dad, who was a scientist. Suddenly, he gets this funny look, and says, “Okay, anything you want. I support your decision.” I realize that something was probably lost in translation, so I asked him to check in the dictionary with me, and it turns out I had said was “astrological physics”. I have never seen such a look of relief as when I explained the mixup to my father.

Later, when I ran the public lecture program for the school, I decided to invite Dr. Harold Puthoff — an engineer who directed a CIA funded program at SRI International to investigate paranormal abilities known as the “Uri Geller experiments” — to come to Caltech to present his findings. No reputable scientist would invite him, so it was up to a somewhat uncontrollable undergrad like me.

The room was packed. Even the famous physicist Richard Feynman decided to attend, and took a seat at the front of the room so he could see everything up close. After Puthoff presented his findings, Feynman — inarguably the smartest guy in the room — raised his hand to ask question. The entire room became absolutely quiet, and prepared to watch the academic evisceration of the parapsychologist. Feynman was famous for demolishing an entire Ph.D. thesis with a casual comment, something you just spent four years on, up in smoke in about two minutes. Feynman cleared his throat, and then, in his inimitable Bronx accent, complimented Puthoff on his research! He urged him to keep at it, and only had one suggestion, which was to include a professional magician to see if there was any sleight of hand. Which presciently, there was. But in general, to the amazement of a room full of hard scientists, Feynman completely supported the investigation of paranormal phenomenon.

Since that day, I have always felt that the best scientists keep an absolutely open mind, and that the most interesting phenomena can be found where hard science and woo woo collide. And so, sort of as a hobby like golf or flyfishing, I enjoy delving into stuff like qigong, feng shui, and even astrology. Why not! It’s kind of fun and bends your thinking in interesting ways. And it’s a way to insure that my own thinking isn’t stuck in some antiquated belief structure or paradigm.

And so, instead of dismissing astrology out of hand, I’ve wanted to unlock its inner structure and meaning… and thus learn if there’s anything to it besides confirmation bias! So this is me, trying to understand the astrology by performing a thought experiment.

With that said, let’s begin by looking at this week, which is unique because of a rare triple retrograde of Saturn, Venus and Jupiter, all in the span of four days. This rare synchronicity starts on May 11th with Saturn entering retrograde, followed by Venus on May 13th and Jupiter on May 14th. If we’re going to see some empirical evidence that astrology isn’t bullshit, this is a pretty good time to look for something solid.

So what does this triple retrograde mean? Let’s start with Saturn.

Saturn is considered the cosmic speed bump… it’s the detour that forces you to take a longer route, or the roadblock that stops you in your tracks. But it’s also purposeful, in that Saturn is motivated by the higher self. If Saturn is running interference with your grand plans, it’s because what you’re doing isn’t aligned fully with your soul’s mission in life, that doesn’t serve your highest good. No worthwhile hero’s journey can be without challenges, which can be seen either as a trial by fire, or as an initiation. So should you persevere or set a different course? Well, the goal of Saturn is to teach you how to decide. And the right way to decide is to let your inner divine spirit speak.

Now let’s consider the Venus Retrograde. In astrological theory, the personal planets — Sun through Mars — are most important. The social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are of secondary importance. Chiron and the outer planets are least important. Between Mercury and Venus, the former gets the most press because it goes retrograde three times a year! Venus only goes retrograde every 18 months, so it’s kind of a big deal to astrologers. And it has three very specific effects: influence on love, money and creativity.

Finally, let’s look at Jupiter which goes retrograde on Thursday. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and has an outsized effect. Some of the themes it focuses on are wisdom and philosophy, the interconnected nature of nations, the grand quest and adventure, expansion and hope. Also, this retrograde happens entirely in Capricorn, which is an extremely practical sign, and is all about establishing systems and procedures that get things done efficiently. In contrast, Jupiter is about being whimsical and starry-eyed, and tends to want to party. So Jupiter’s placement in Capricorn makes it easier for people to create useful plans and strategies.

So now, what does all of this mean to you, if you’re an entrepreneur or innovator? Let’s consider this astrological input, as a way to devise a strategy for innovation.

Again, let’s start with Saturn.

Saturn is the ruler of karmic reward and punishment, and when this planet went into Aquarius, it supports the emergence of the socially awakened innovator who thinks of how to advance society, promoting new breakthroughs of technology based on the emergence of collective consciousness. However, to awaken humanity, Saturn is completely willing to use chaos and crisis, to accentuate and contrast the difference between the motives of humanitarian achievements vs greed and selfishness.

On July 1st, Saturn will return to Capricorn, to bring about the beginning of a resolution for our current social problems. At this time, the focus will shift from the pandemic to the economic situation. Finance and businesses will still be struggling but the idea is that the economy will begin bottoming out. This is a once in a century opportunity for governments to do the right thing — like focusing on getting testing scaled up instead of seeking to shift blame, and bringing people together instead of tearing them apart. If not, then we’ll see what lessons Saturn will inflict when winter returns.

Now, back to entrepreneurship… some say that necessity is the mother of invention, but the reality is that pain is the cruel mistress of innovation. Saturn in retrograde may feel like obstacles, failures and shortcomings. But these are actually the very things that drive advancement. This is how we come to see that we have been tackling symptoms rather than addressing root causes.

Innovation is the art of seeing what others suffer quietly and simply refuse to see. Innovation is realizing that the system has always been broken and being willing to start a revolution.

Now let’s consider the Venus retrograde, from the perspective of the innovator.

Change can only happen if you are willing to have the hard conversation. So as an innovator, if you’ve been avoiding a talk about what works and doesn’t, now’s the time to bring it up. Are you feeling under appreciated by your spouse? Is your banker or venture investor not keeping his agreements? Are the kids making so much noise that you can’t think or work? Yes, be patient and kind… but it’s time to speak up and ask for what you need. Remember that Venus is on your side, even during a retrograde!

You deserve love, success and abundance. So communicate your frustrations and needs… but do so with deep and abiding love.

Next, during a Venus retrograde, creative projects may begin to feel stagnant. So invest some of your time and energy into active brainstorming. Is it hard to brainstorm over Zoom? Then brainstorm how to brainstorm.

And finally, let’s focus on Jupiter…

The good news is that the Jupiter retrograde, due to its conjunction with Capricorn, will have a positive influence. It makes a harmonious trine aspect to the Sun which brings growth, good fortune, and happiness. So yes, the retrograde means you will be tested to make sure you are ready to receive the good fortune and luck you deserve after the trials and tribulations of this crazy year!

For example, maybe you have an addiction issue. This Jupiter retrograde will offer an opportunity to recognize and admit the problem, by shaking you out of your complacency or denial about it. The stress of the lockdown will bring such issues to surface, in your life, in your family, in your company. And once you come to terms with those issues… you can be ready to leap ahead toward success and joy and expansion. Jupiter retrograde means you will be tested. Pass the test and good fortune, new romance, or increased wealth will manifest.

It is instructional to remember that when the bubonic plague ravaged London in 1665, an unremarkable 23-year-old science student at Trinity College named Issac Newton was forced to retreat to the family farm, sheltered in place for two years to wait out the plague. Instead of lamenting the situation, the quiet and serene environment allowed Isaac to journey, uninterrupted, to the farthest reaches of his imagination and accessed the deepest resources of his creativity. This period is now known as his annus mirabilis — the “year of wonders.”

When the plague abated in the spring of 1667, Isaac Newton to return to Cambridge and demonstrated that those dark days of England would actually change the rest of the world forever, and unleash the scientific revolution.

So you might ask, after this thought experiment, do I believe in astrology now?

My answer is that it doesn’t matter. What this exploration leads me to is believing in the potential of the Newton or the Feynman within all of us. What I believe in is the arc of the moral universe being long, but eventually and inevitably bending toward justice. What I believe in is the breathtaking ability of humanity to be resilient in the face of the most dire and difficult circumstance. What I believe in is you.

One of Jupiter’s most important blessings is the gift of hope. It is about arriving at the conclusion that you were born for a reason, with a mission to fulfill. This will bring meaning to the struggles of this dreadful pandemic. This can inspire you with the energy and resilience you need to turn lemons into a radically new organic drink that after much hard work is universally recognized as the damned best artisanal lemonade ever made.

But to arrive at hope requires a subtle shift in awareness and thinking… from believing that things like pandemics happen to you, to realizing that things like pandemics happen for you — and for all of humanity — to catalyze our growth and expand our capabilities. This pandemic is actually a teacher, albeit a cruel and harsh one, that actually drives the actualization of the human race.



Moses Ma
Moses Ma

Written by Moses Ma

Moses Ma is the managing partner of FutureLab Ventures, a venture studio, think thank, and innovation consultancy that works with global companies.

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